Saturday 20 June 2015

About "Cast Away"

    I have seen several movies since I come to Calgary.But the "Cast Away" is the most favorite novice for me because it was interesting, exciting, impressive, weepy.  The film told a story of a courier who experienced plane crash  and escaped to a deserted island and lived there for four years .Firstly ,It showed the actor's loneliness and helplessness; and then, it deduct his independence and perseverance; at last, it told his happiness after he was saved and his embarrassment  when he met his girlfriend. I very thanked for my speaking's teacher to let us watch it in the class. The movie showed us about human nature and the true meaning of love, unlike this film, most of movies told about too much money, sex and violence."Cast Away" is a positive energy movie.
Image result for cast away wallpaperImage result for cast away wallpaperImage result for cast away wallpaperImage result for cast away wallpaperImage result for cast away wallpaper


  1. Yes, that's an interesting movie. Who would have thought that a volleyball could become a sympathetic character!

    I have seen several movies since I came to Calgary.

    I was very thankful my speaking teacher let us watch it in the class.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for introdcuing this interesting movie, I will find an opportunity to watch it.
